香港特首選舉星期天舉行 香港社會各界期望殷切



美國東部時間2022年5月2日,ViaBTC的戰略合作夥伴 — 來自新加坡的清潔算力運營商SAI.TECH Global Corporation (“SAI.TECH”或“SAI”)成功登陸納斯達克。SAI的A類普通股和認股權證於2022年5月2日開始在納斯達克股票市場交易,新的交易代碼分別為 "SAI "和 "SAITW"。資本的簇擁和投資者的認可,勢必為加密礦業以及能源的可持續發展提供新的行業範本。SAI.TECH的成功上市也勢必為加密礦業的可持續發展注入新的增長勢能。

KOK Margin Trading Support on Kucoin

Global content platform "KOK PLAY" announced on the 3rd that its cryptocurrency "KOK Token" has been confirmed for margin transactions on global exchange, Kucoin.

KOK Coin Listed on US Exchange

KOK wallet is now available on the large US exchange “”, which boasts its own platform-designated DeFi wallet boasting the capacity to manage more than 100 coins simultaneously.


母親節是一個為感謝母親、讚揚母愛而設立的節日,定於每年5月的第二個星期日,而今年的母親節是5月8日,為慶祝這個報答母親的日子,香港尚禮坊花店「2022母親節限定禮物系列」全新上市,超過60款Mother's Day主題花束與各式新款禮物任君選擇,即日可訂,全港配送。



Boosting Mutual Learning among Civilizations & Promoting Religious Unity

Political, business and academic leaders have come together at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022 from April 20 to 22 to explore the future path of development in Asia and world. With the theme of “Moon over the Rivers, Beauty and Harmony - Civilizations Flourish through Communication & Convergence”, the Religious Leaders’ Dialogue, a breakdown session of Boao, gathered world religious leaders and cultural elites for a conversation on the communication, peaceful co-existence and harmonious development of various religions and civilizations in a bid to contribute Chinese religious wisdo

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