In the FastData 3.5 version updated at the end of October, we launched three exclusive TikTok data analysis functions, including live broadcast, small yellow cars, and advertising, becoming the first closed-loop analysis tool to achieve full ecological data. At the same time, we launched paid members, which received everyone's support and positive feedback!
亞洲國際華語流行(C-POP)女歌手、影視演員、時尚寵兒…臺灣女星李毓芬 (Tia Lee | Lee Yu Fen)身兼多重身份,自出道以來一直深受外界關注。這些年李毓芬Tia Lee可謂荊棘滿途,不過她從未畏懼,反而愈走愈強,為了能讓大眾重新認識不一樣的她。李毓芬在閉關三年後重新出發,在推出新歌《再見公主》的前夕,先以一連6集的動畫擴展歌曲含意,展現她闖蕩娛圈的心路歷程,還邀請了香港多位重量級精英班底創作,來一次跨岸的國際級大製作。
On September 16, the 2022 Global Short Video Summit hosted by FastData came to a successful conclusion. At the summit, many entrepreneurs from the forefront of TikTok's business ecology shared a lot of contents and insights. Meanwhile the TikTok Ecological Sky Eye Award for the first half of FastData was given at the summit.